Gorillaz update us on what Russel’s been up to, too

Cartoon alt-rock band Gorillaz, a.k.a. Noodles, Murdoc, Russel, and 2D (and really a.k.a. musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett) have been making some noise lately, hopping on social media to dig into the band’s elaborate backstory with the Twitter-based Book Of Noodle earlier this week. Now they’ve followed that tale of ancient hell demons and Moby Dick with The Book Of Russel, detailing the North Korea-set adventures of the band’s virtual drummer.

You can read the whole thing—including harpoonings, polluted shrimp, and a signed copy of Kim Sings Sinatra—right here. Meanwhile, the Gorillaz aren’t contenting themselves simply with strange multimedia self-promotion; according to Consequence Of Sound, Albarn is “two weeks” from finishing some new music, too. If true, the new album would be the band’s first since 2011, when Gorillaz released The Fall, itself recorded while the band was on tour in support of its well-received 2010 record Plastic Beach.

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