Gossip Girl Is So Fucking Kewl

Gossip Girl Is So Fucking Kewl

After years of research, the marketing team at The CW has finally hit upon a failsafe formula that will draw teens to Gossip Girl like ants to sweet, faux-foul-mouthed honey: Sex, bleeping, and text vocab.

From The Hollywood Reporter:

One version [of the Gossip Girl ads] is branded with the letters "OMFG," which is online slang for "Oh my fucking god." A tamer version uses "OMG." The image is taken from the show's pilot. Another ad in the series shows two characters making out in the back of limo branded with the ":O" emotion.

Ah, the :O emotion. Who hasn't felt that making out in the back of a limo? Thanx 4 the explainer, Hollywood Reporter. What does WTF stand for again?

While these ads are obvs awes, I think The CW could have been slightly more in-your-face with the in-your-face provocativeness and teen-speak. Maybe a montage of all the characters saying "Fuck" (bleeped, of course), followed by a montage of everyone engaging in underage smoking while wearing leather jackets and saying "Bleep" to their (largely invisible) parents, and then ending with Blair hotwire-ing a car while having sex and saying "Get out of my bleeping way." The last frame, of course, would be a black screen with a simple "

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