Grab some tissues if you're going to watch this trailer for Bruce Springsteen's Western Stars film

Grab some tissues if you're going to watch this trailer for Bruce Springsteen's Western Stars film
Screenshot: Western Stars

We wrote that Bruce Springsteen’s Western Stars sounded “for all the world like a soundtrack to a movie that doesn’t exist.” Well, now that movie does exist. It’s also called Western Stars and you can watch a trailer for it right now.

A concert film in which The Boss performs the entire album with the help of a full orchestra “under the cathedral ceiling of his historic nearly 100-year-old barn,” Western Stars will premiere at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival. It will also include musings from the songwriter, who says in the below clip that he’s “spent 35 years trying to learn how to let go of the destructive parts of my character.” He adds, dust kicking up from his gravelly voice, “Nobody gets away unhurt.” Yeah, this one’s gonna get emotional.

“Bruce lives in the super rarified air of artists who have blazed new and important trails deep into their careers,” says Warner Bros. chairman Toby Emmerich in a statement. “With Western Stars, Bruce is pivoting yet again, taking us with him on an emotional and introspective cinematic journey, looking back and looking ahead. As one of his many fans for over 40 years, I couldn’t be happier to be a rider on this train with Bruce and Thom.”

The Thom to which he refers is Thom Zimny, who co-directed the feature with Springsteen himself. The pair previously collaborated on The Promise: The Making Of Darkness On The Edge Of Town, as well as the marvelous Springsteen On Broadway.

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