Grand Theft Auto recreated in real life, minus most of the unpleasantness

Grand Theft Auto recreated in real life, minus most of the unpleasantness

To be fair, this is exactly what all the game censoring types have warned people about for years. Enterprising filmmakers Corridor Digital have taken the smash ‘n’ grab elements of the Grand Theft Auto series and transported it to the real world in their latest short. It’s an impressive approximation of the game (the lead actor’s gait is exactly the same as that of the GTA protagonist) that luckily leaves out a bunch of the less pleasant (and legal) elements of the game (read: there’s no beating up of prostitutes or creepily trying to touch strippers without bouncers noticing).

But the elements that Corridor Digital do capture are spot on, from the camera angles to the explosion of cash when hitting/killing people, and other effects found within the game. The entire video is set to the excellent Carpenter Brut song “Paradise Warfare,” which gives it the much needed electro feeling as well as the lead stalks his prey through “Los Santos.” For those interested, there’s a making-of video that shows how the filmmakers were able to reconstruct so much from the game, and do it all mostly in defiance of various filming and traffic laws of Los Angeles.

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