Great Job, Internet!: Arrested Development as an action movie? Better than no AD movie at all...

Great Job, Internet!: Arrested Development as an action movie? Better than no AD movie at all...

We sit in front of our computers most of the day, connected to our friends and co-workers by the series of pipes, strings, and nimbostratus zackets called the Internet. Many times per day, things flash before our eyes—videos, photos, songs, sites—that are funny or strange enough to warrant sharing with other people. We salute them with a hearty "Great job, Internet!"

Sometimes people fuck around on their computers and make trailers that present movies or TV shows in entirely new lights. Sometimes these are funny. Here's one that's making its way 'round the Internet today. It imagines our favorite sitcom ever, Arrested Development, as a serious action-drama. Enjoy.

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