Great job, Internet! The captioning fascination reaches its inevitable conclusion

We sit in front of our computers most of the day, connected to our friends and co-workers by the series of pipes, strings, and nimbostratus zackets called the Internet. Many times per day, things flash before our eyes—videos, photos, songs, sites—that are funny or strange enough to warrant sharing with other people. We salute them with a hearty "Great job, Internet!"

This feels like one of those things that everybody else has already discovered, but Unrelated Captions is the inevitable end point of the Internet's fascination with throwing sans-serif text atop photos in attempts to describe the action contained therein. The juxtaposition of images of cute animals or sporting events or newsmakers with text that has nothing to do with the image is both strange commentary on this particular Internet trend is funny in and of itself. See some of our favorites below.

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