Great news, abandoned children: The house from Home Alone has just gone up on Airbnb

The McCallister's family home is available to rent for one night this December

Great news, abandoned children: The house from Home Alone has just gone up on Airbnb
An image that Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern see in their nightmares. Screenshot: MovieTitles

Though it isn’t ideal for any kid to find themselves as one of the presumably hundreds of thousands children accidentally abandoned by their parents during vacation preparations for the holidays, a silver lining has just appeared for them this year: A chance to run amok in the house from Home Alone.

Airbnb is listing the huge Winnetka, Illinois home that served as Kevin McCallister’s burglar-torturing playground in the 1990 movie for a single evening this month. This is excellent news for at least one plucky child left sleeping all alone in their terrifying attic by their negligent parents. The house has been decorated with a Christmas tree, lights, and a bunch of Home Alone-themed stuff.

Its listing is written from Buzz’s perspective—the character that actually seems most likely to rent out his parents’ home to internet strangers—and explains what guests can expect. He says the home provides “a cozy holiday scene” and tells visitors that they can “feel free to eat junk food, watch rubbish on TV, borrow my dad’s aftershave, and choose your own adventure with a legendary battle plan as a guide.” (We imagine that last point has something to do with the on-site “member of my McCallister Security team” who will guide visitors around during their stay.)

Apparently there’s a tarantula in the house and “a viewing of … Home Sweet Home Alone” as part of this, too. Hopefully, interacting with these features is an option rather than a requirement of what otherwise sounds like a pretty good time.

The booking opens up on December 7th and the renter will get access to the house on December 12th. Airbnb says it will “make a one-time donation to Chicago’s La Rabida Children’s Hospital” as part of the Home Alone house’s listing.

[via Today]

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