Grindhouse Halved?

Bummed by the lackluster box-office response Grindhouse has received, Harvey Weinstein has expressed the possibility of splitting the film in two and releasing each half of the double-feature — Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof and Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror — as stand-alone features in the U.S. (The film's three-hour length has been reported as being a major turn-off to many movie-goers.)

While this would seem to amount to a cinematic separation of Siamese twins, Deadline Hollywood Daily points out that it's the same process the film will undergo for its European release. If Weinstein green-lights the operation, he says it will happen in two weeks–which would push Grindhouse that much closer toward direct competition with such looming blockbusters as Spider-Man 3, 28 Weeks Later, and Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End.

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