Guess What Still Exists? The Emmys!

If you woke up an hour earlier than usual today, too giddy with anticipation to sleep because you know that today is the day when you will finally be rewarded for slumming it on some network sitcom that no one watched, well, then you're probably Stockard Channing.

But if you're anyone else, then you probably woke up at the usual time, got dressed, and went about your usual routine, blissfully indifferent to the fact that, yes, the Emmy Awards still exist. In fact, they even have a magazine with Steve Carell on the cover. What? Yes.

Oh, and their prime-time award nominations were announced today. You can find a list of those nominees

here. (Not that you care enough to click.)

A few things I learned from this list:

—Enough episodes of Out Of Practice exist to make a submission tape to get Stockard Channing a Best Actress nod.

Desperate Housewives is a comedy (go figure), while Boston Legal is clearly a drama.

Malcolm In The Middle might still be on the air.

—Donald Sutherland will always get an Emmy nomination. Really. For anything. Even a second-rate Lifetime movie about forced prostitution called Human Trafficking.

—Despite what you've heard, Big Love, How I Met Your Mother, and The Gilmore Girls don't exist. Neither do any of the people on those shows.

—Oh, and that guy from The King Of Queens is hysterical.

I was actually mildly interested to see the Emmy nominations this year, after reading this article about the re-vamping of the voting system so that cable shows and cult series would have a chance, and this blog post, which hints at some kind of voting conspiracy.

But I'm happy to say my mild interest has now been downgraded to active boredom. God, leave it to the Emmys to make voting conspiracy gossip and wild speculation as dull as an episode of Two And A Half Men (3 nominations).

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