Guy Pearce cast in Ridley Scott's Prometheus, which still may or may not be an Alien prequel

Guy Pearce has been confirmed for a role in Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, a film that seems increasingly calculated to drive people on the Internet insane. Billed first as an Alien prequel, then revised as a standalone sci-fi concept dreamed up by Damon Lindelof, the film has since vacillated between the is-it-or-isn’t-it-Alien question for months now, with earlier reports that it contains “strands of Alien DNA” now seeming more and more like a smokescreen, as rumors abound that not only does it feature actual, familiar Alien creatures, but also that it ties into the “space jockey” mystery that originally provided the project’s genesis. So whatever: Untangling the various confusing threads of whether it all ties back to Alien seems like a perfect fit for the dude from Memento.

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