Guy raises thousands of dollars to mercilessly parody Cards Against Humanity

Chances are, you’ve played Cards Against Humanity. Over the last decade, the Apples To Apples-style card game has reached saturation status as the go-to activity for people who like to giggle into their hands at purposefully offensive jokes without having to actually come up with them on their own. If you, like many, are tired of the game, Jeff Kornberg—creator of the parody board game YouTube channel The Dragon’s Tomb—has a supremely trollish alternative ready to go in the form of the piss-taking Offensive Adult Party Game.

The game, which has raised $4, 056 of its $4, 500 Kickstarter goal at the time of writing, is a beautifully simple parody that is basically unplayable. It includes 18 cards, designed to emulate Cards Against Humanity’s set-up. There is one black card that reads “I like playing offensive adult party games because …” followed by a blank space. Players choose from 17 white “response cards,” each printed with the same thing to fill in the blank with: “I lack creativity and enjoy the illusion of being funny.”

Its Kickstarter page describes Offensive Adult Party Game as a “party game for 3+ players that takes under 1 minute to play and is exclusively for people who love offensive party games.” The copy continues to goof on Humanity, describing it as a game that allows players to “take jokes that have been crafted by a business and pretend they’re your own” while enjoying “safe zones where you can say offensive things and take none of the responsibility for saying them.”

Kornberg said in an e-mail that he was inspired to make Offensive Adult Party Game as a way “to publicly express my complaints about [Cards Against Humanity,]” which he finds “lacking.”

“To me, you get to play formulated jokes crafted by a business and pretend they are your own,” he writes. “For some reason, EVERYBODY goes crazy for it. People look at you as if you’re a maniac if you don’t like it.” His solution—actually creating a parody version that people can buy, own, and trick their friends into playing—is definitely one way to get the point across.

Considering how close the Kickstarter is to meeting its funding goal, it seems likely that enough people are as fed up with Cards as he is. What else but the pent-up frustrations of the card game masses explains pledging actual money in support of a project for a game actively designed to suck?

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