Guy tripping on LSD at Disneyland falls in Adventureland lake, turns up completely naked a mile away

Guy tripping on LSD at Disneyland falls in Adventureland lake, turns up completely naked a mile away
Screenshot: Escape From Tomorrow

Movies like Mandy and Once Upon A Time…In Hollywood have demonstrated what skilled folks can accomplish with the help of LSD, but, for many, a tab of two of acid won’t end nearly so well. As Jeff Goldblum notes, “you would have to know yourself” to understand what you can handle on acid. A 32-year-old Swiss man recently learned this the hard way.

The man, per the original report in Le Parisien, recently took a trip with his girlfriend to Disneyland Paris. Disneyland Paris isn’t fun without drugs, apparently, so she slipped him a tab of acid. As soon as it kicked in, though, he reportedly tumbled into a lake in the park’s Adventureland near Captain Hook’s Pirate Ship, presumably due to seeing Tinkerbell weeping bloody tears or something.

Well, the man never surfaced from the lake, so that triggered a massive search party consisting of 10 divers, 10 policemen, 30 firefighters, and 80 Disneyland Paris employees, as well as some dogs and a helicopter with a thermal camera. Meanwhile, a 44-year-old man, who asked to be identified as Benoit, was driving home from work in the nearby town of Chessy when he saw a completely naked man covered in scratches walking in the middle of the road, just a mile away from Disneyland Paris. According to a translation from The Washington Post, he told Le Parisien, “I stopped, got out of the car and went to meet him. I wanted to know what a naked man was doing 300 meters from my home.”

The naked man admitted that he couldn’t remember shit and had no idea why he got completely naked, exactly where he came from, or why he was walking down the road. He did tell Benoit, however, that he was high on acid because of a bet he had with his girlfriend and a few friends. After giving the dude some clothes and piecing together his story, he dropped him off at the park’s entrance. The search party found him at 1:15 a.m., where he and his girlfriend were arrested for narcotics use. Bummer.

Lucky for them, they both only received a “rappel a la loi” for drug use, essentially a slap on the wrist. Guess swimming out of a filthy Adventureland lake, stripping naked, and getting scratched up on a nude journey to nowhere was punishment enough.

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