Gwen Stefani sued for urging fans to rush the stage at 2016 concert

According to TMZ (via Pitchfork), Gwen Stefani is facing a $75,000 lawsuit for something that probably seemed fairly innocuous to her at the time. During a concert in North Carolina in July of last year, Stefani reportedly told audience members without reserved seats to “fill in anywhere you like” and come closer to the stage, which apparently started a “stampede rush” of people running to the stage. The lawsuit comes from a fan named Lisa Stricklin who was injured in that charge, claiming that she broke her leg when everyone surged toward the stage. Stricklin is also holding Live Nation responsible as well, accusing the company of failing to “properly supervise Stefani” and for being unable to “prevent her from engaging in her negligent acts that resulted in the stampede rush.”

Interestingly, TMZ adds that Stefani did acknowledge her mistake on the night of the concert, telling the crowd that she “got in so much trouble” for telling the fans to run up closer.

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