Hackers defrauded over 1,000 StubHub accounts, bought some nice floor seats to Elton John

On Wednesday, six people were indicted in New York City for hacking into more than 1,000 StubHub accounts last year. In addition to those six, four others have been arrested internationally (three in London, one in Toronto), for running a scheme that defrauded various StubHub users to the tune of $1.6 million. Reportedly, StubHub’s security was never actually breached; instead the culprits gathered the passwords of various users, bought tickets for events that were in high demand, then resold them for their own profit. StubHub has already issued refunds to the customers affected and helped them reclaim their accounts—but of course, that only does so much. When Elton John thinks back on those packed arenas, the memory will be forever tainted by those who took advantage of the innocent people who were just trying to take advantage of others by posting steep ticket prices on the secondhand market. “They were all singing along,” John will ponder, “But at what cost?”

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