Hackers leak Orange Is The New Black season 5, threaten ABC and Fox next

Following up on threats and ransom demands made yesterday, a hacker group calling itself “thedarkoverlord” has reportedly leaked the first ten episodes of the fifth season of Netflix’s Orange Is The New Black onto the internet, more than a month ahead of its still-scheduled premiere. The group attempted to extort the streaming company for what it called a “modest” sum of money, but Netflix reportedly ignored all of its demands.

This probably won’t be the end of the group’s thefts and threats, either; a Twitter account associated with thedarkoverlord is claiming to also have stolen data and shows from “FOX, IFC, NAT GEO, and ABC” as well. The thefts all seem to stem from a hacking incident back in February, when a Hollywood vendor that works with a number of major studios had its security compromised.

[via Variety]

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