Hackers threaten Sony employees’ families in mass e-mail

The cyber attacks at Sony Pictures may end up having consequences far more serious than people downloading Annie for free, as hackers from the group that calls itself the Guardians of Peace, or #GOP, sent a chilling mass email straight out of CSI: Cyber to Sony employees earlier today. The email, which appears to have been written by a non-native English speaker, threatened to completely destroy Sony. It also told employees that “not only you but your family will be in danger” if employees refused to sign some sort of online petition. Employees were instructed to turn off their computers and mobile devices shortly after the email was sent.

Even if nothing comes of this, it’s a definite change of tone for a story that, so far, has hurt little more than Sony’s bottom line and Adam Sandler’s feelings. Here’s the full text of the email, via Variety:

I am the head of GOP who made you worry.

Removing Sony Pictures on earth is a very tiny work for our group which is a worldwide organization. And what we have done so far is only a small part of our further plan.It’s your false if you if you think this crisis will be over after some time. All hope will leave you and Sony Pictures will collapse. This situation is only due to Sony Pictures. Sony Pictures is responsible for whatever the result is. Sony Pictues clings to what is good to nobody from the beginning. It’s silly to expect in Sony Pictures to take off us. Sony Pictures makes only useless efforts. One beside you can be our member.

Many things beyond imagination will happen at many places of the world. Our agents find themselves act in necessary places. Please sign your name to object the false of the company at the email address below if you don’t want to suffer damage. If you don’t, not only you but your family will be in danger.

Nobody can prevent us, but the only way is to follow our demand. If you want to prevent us, make your company behave wisely.

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