Hang on to your butts: Chris Pratt predicted his Jurassic World role back in 2009

Hang on to your butts: Chris Pratt predicted his Jurassic World role back in 2009

Chris Pratt is popular not only because he offers up the perfect blend of charm and kindness, but because he’s an everyman hero for all of those who’ve ever wanted to go from schlubby bit player to ripped action star. As further evidence of that, the YouTube channel Parks and Rec Clips unearthed this behind-the-scenes segment Pratt filmed for the Parks And Recreation second season DVD circa 2009:

In the video, a mostly pre-fame Pratt introduces himself and then pretends to get interrupted by a text message from Steven Spielberg. He responds to the text by explaining he has “no shame” and is always sending Spielberg “endless gift baskets.” Then he ends the pretend message with this:

“I’ll have to get back to you later about Jurassic Park IV.

Of course, six years later Pratt is now the megastar at the heart of the fourth Jurassic Park film, Jurassic World, and he probably does occasionally text with the film’s executive producer, Steven Spielberg. (He might even be playing Indiana Jones for him). That means, yes, anything is possible and no dream is too big and all that. Either that, or Pratt is some kind of weird Nostradamus with visions of the future, in which case it makes a lot more sense that he issued that preemptive apology before the Jurassic World press tour.

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