Hannah Gadsby will release her follow-up to the groundbreaking Nanette on Netflix in May

Hannah Gadsby will release her follow-up to the groundbreaking Nanette on Netflix in May
Photo: Netflix

It’s rare that a stand-up special takes the world by storm, or at least by the relative storm that a stand-up special is capable of, but Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette from 2018 definitely took the world of comedy specials by storm—to the extent that the special, which involved Gadsby questioning whether she even wanted to keep doing comedy, even was a comedy special. Either way, after going on tour last year, Gadsby is now ready to bring her follow-up special, Douglas, to Netflix.

As announced this morning, Douglas will premiere on Netflix on May 26, with a press release explaining that it’s “a tour from the dog park to the renaissance and back.” (Douglas is the name of her dog, if you’re not up on Hannah Gadsby lore.) That description sounds a little… uninformative, so it’s hard to say if Douglas will be as unique as Nanette, but the press release does say “expect your expectations to be set and met,” so that sounds pretty good. A Netflix press release wouldn’t dare overstate how good a thing on Netflix is going to be, right?

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