Happy Halloween! Have a flaming, flying zombie corpse on us

Happy Halloween! Have a flaming, flying zombie corpse on us

In recognition of Halloween, British filmmaker Sacha Austin posted his latest project to YouTube—“Psycho House,” a hyper little haunted-house story in tongue-in-cheek Evil Dead mode. “It was shot for about £5k on a green-screen stage at the UK’s Shepperton Studios over a couple of weekends,” Austin said. “I have some friends based there, the special-makeup-effects guys. It’s mainly green-screen, but we managed to salvage some bits of practical set from a studio tip in true Roger Corman style. Our single biggest expense was the stand-by electrician that the studio insisted had to be there.” He says he personally handled all of the CG and post-production from a workstation at home. Given that, this is a pleasantly polished, amusingly ridiculous short that channels Sam Raimi and Joe Dante. It ends with a flying zombie on fire, which is never a bad thing (except for the recipient), and it serves as an important morality tale, conveying the all-important message “If you’re going to try to steal something from a haunted house, make sure it’s something soft and harmless, like a cotton ball.”

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