Happy Thanksgiving! (We’re going to lay low for a few days)

Hey, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. (For non-U.S. readers, it’s a holiday we celebrate here.) The A.V. Club staff (pictured above) is going to take a few days off to celebrate, relax, and dream up exciting new content for everyone. That means no new content on Thursday—unless something alarmingly massive happens in the world of entertainment news—and a few items on Friday you'll want to read as soon as they post at midnight. (Or over the weekend. Or on Monday. Just read them.)

In all seriousness, we are truly grateful for our readers, whose presence on this site allows us to make a living writing about pop culture. We think movies, television, music, books, etc., are all worth taking seriously, but we realize not everyone gets to make a profession out of our obsessions, and we appreciate you making that possible, just as we appreciate what each and every one of you (well, most of you) bring to the discussion in the comments. We want to make The A.V. Club a go-to destination for commentary, reviews, interviews, news, and other pop-culture related items, but also for a smart, fun community of likeminded people who enjoy each others’ company. You've helped turn it into that. Thanks.

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