Harrison Ford will reboot anything that moves

Harrison Ford will reboot anything that moves

The cast of Blade Runner 2049 made an appearance with director Denis Villeneuve at San Diego Comic-Con earlier today, sandwiched between Ready Player One and Justice League at Warner Bros.’ annual cavalcade of cinematic hype. With the film’s release coming up on October 6 and several trailers already out, there wasn’t a whole lot in the way of new footage at the panel, save for a clip featuring Ryan Gosling’s Officer K touring a hall of replicants that appeared in the first trailer for the film.

But the cast and crew were entertainingly candid, with Villeneuve explaining that he took on the project “because I didn’t want anybody else to fuck it up.” Harrison Ford, meanwhile, was at peak Harrison Ford, grumbling, “It doesn’t matter what I think,” when his internal calculations about how much air he could get in a vintage WWI biplane inside the massive convention hall were interrupted by someone asking him again if he thought Decker was a replicant.

But while Ford absolutely hates talking about his most famous movie roles (see also: Han Solo), he doesn’t seem to mind reviving them. Asked by a fan, “Is it your goal to reboot every major franchise there is?,” Ford answered the only way a man whose reserve of fucks ran out sometime in the mid-’90s could: “You bet your ass it is”.

Even threatened with tickling by panel moderator Chris Hardwick, Ford remained stoic, which is too bad, because Harrison Ford punching Chris Hardwick would be one of the all-time great Newswire header images. Maybe at the panel for the Patriot Games reboot…

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