Have you heard about this, folks? CNN is pursuing Jay Leno for a new show

Jeff Zucker—the former NBC president who oversaw the Leno-vs,-Conan debacle in 2009, and subsequently ran his network into the ground—now has a new job, running CNN into the ground. To that end, he wants to revisit the glory days of The Jay Leno Show by offering a spot on his current network to the outgoing Tonight Show host.

It's unclear what role Leno would take as a CNN employee, though it's possible he'll read comically inaccurate headlines on the air nightly, a job currently held by Wolf Blitzer. It's also worth noting that Leno also has as many as nine other potential suitors, including Core Media Group (which produces American Idol, among other things), another former NBC chief, Jeff Gaspin, and even current NBC/Kabletown chairman Bob Greenblatt. To Leno's credit, however, he's refused to consider any of these offers until he officially re-retires from Tonight on February 6.

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