HBO cuts new trailers to finally get you to try Six Feet Under and The Wire

HBO cuts new trailers to finally get you to try Six Feet Under and The Wire

Apparently HBO Now subscribers aren’t taking sufficient advantage of their access to the network’s impressive—if incomplete—library of TV lately, because the premium cable channel just released a pair of new trailers for two of its most beloved shows: Six Feet Under and The Wire.

The best thing about both promos is the way they capture the tones of their respective programs. Six Feet Under’s embodies the morbid whimsy of Alan Ball’s long-running, death-obsessed family drama (not to mention its frequent dalliances with pretension). And The Wire’s is wide-ranging in its scope, starting with Baltimore’s schools, before showing how the drug trade colors and taints every part of its world. (It also totally skips over the show’s second season, which seems depressingly apt.)

Plus, both trailers pull off their jobs without giving up much of the way in spoilers. If you’ve never seen the shows, they’ll be a good tease, and if you have, they’ll serve as yet another arsenal in your efforts to just get your damn friends to try The Wire, already.

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