HBO drops three more clips from the Game Of Thrones season-six premiere

HBO drops three more clips from the Game Of Thrones season-six premiere

Sure, there may have been a new trailer for Game Of Thrones’ sixth season just yesterday, but HBO is nothing if not keenly aware that any new morsels of its massively popular “tits-and-dragons” series will be immediately and eagerly gobbled up. And since April 24 is still almost two weeks away, the pay channel continues to whet appetites by releasing three new clips from the upcoming premiere, each of which checks in with a different part of the world and a different character or characters.

If you don’t want any (very minor) spoilers for the upcoming season, well, what the hell are you doing clicking on this in the first place?

The first clip features a rather grim conversation between Jaime and Cersei, the latter of whom seems like she could really use a Xanax. And given what she went through at the end of last season, that’s understandable. The second clip is the briefest, and the most spoiler-y, if you’ve been avoiding any information or trailers about season six until now. (Let’s be honest: You haven’t.) It shows that both Sansa and Theon—sorry, Reek—survived their jump from the walls of Winterfell with minimal injury, and are frantically trying to escape. The last clip takes us out of Westeros to check in with Daenerys, everyone’s favorite Khaleesi, being returned to her late husband’s culture and looking far more unkempt than she’s been in a very long time.

True, all three clips just make you go, “Ok, but what happens next?!” Which means HBO has you exactly where it wants you. For the foreseeable future, at least, America’s Stockholm Syndrome continues.

Game Of Thrones returns on April 24 at 9 p.m. ET.

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