HBO Max pulls Justice League Snyder Cut trailer over music rights, so get your hashtags ready

HBO Max pulls Justice League Snyder Cut trailer over music rights, so get your hashtags ready
Justice League Image: Warner Bros.

Sorry, Snyder Cut True Believers: You have another crisis on your hands, and the only way to solve it is to band together behind a catchy hashtag and harass people with absolutely no control over this kind of thing—err, actually don’t do that this time. It’s very much not necessary. As reported by /Film, the trailer for Zack Snyder’s Justice League, a.k.a. “the Snyder Cut” of Justice League, has been pulled from YouTube by some evil, freedom-hating villain who doesn’t want you to see Zack Snyder’s true vision come to life.

Wait, no. Apparently HBO Max pulled the trailer itself, with The Hollywood Reporter’s Aaron Couch saying it was over some kinds of “music rights issues” and that it will be back on YouTube at some point. The original trailer was released back in August and prominently featured Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” (the only song Snyder has ever heard of), so it seems safe to assume that’s the culprit. But how will Warner Bros. and HBO Max fix this? If they secure the rights it’ll all be fine, but things might get a little heated if they have to change the song. After all, using “Hallelujah” as often as possible as part of Snyder’s creative genius, and changing it would turn this Zack Snyder’s Justice League trailer into the same kind of soulless compromise-filled trash-heap that the original movie was. So are we doing #ReleaseTheHallelujahCut or #ReleaseTheSnyderCutTrailerWithHallelujahPlayingInTheBackground? We could even repurpose #ReleaseTheSnyderCut if we consider this trailer to be its own “Snyder Cut.”

Also, if you’re really bent out of shape about this, the original “Hallelujah” trailer can be seen as part of Justice League’s DC FanDome trailer. Don’t tell anyone, or that might also get pulled. Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which is now a multi-episode miniseries in case you forgot, will stream on HBO Max in 2021.

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