Hear Carrie Brownstein recount seeing Nirvana in this exclusive clip

Carrie Brownstein’s terrific new memoir, Hunger Makes Me A Modern Girl, was released this week, but if you’re the type who prefers hearing an author use their own voice to tell you their story, you’re in luck, because the audiobook is also now available. (This is also a good alternative if you’re one of the 14 percent of American adults who can’t read, although we would strongly recommend an adult-education program, too.) In the exclusive A.V. Club clip below, Brownstein recounts the story of seeing Nirvana play a surprise show at her college—and not pre-fame Nirvana, either, but a post-Nevermind group, world-famous and excited to quietly play a small college town show. It’s a short clip, but it accurately captures the vivid excitement of her experience, as well as demonstrating Brownstein’s eloquent way with language. The audiobook is now available from Penguin Random House, either as CDs or a digital download.

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