Hear it straight from Ruth: Justice Ginsburg In Her Own Words

Hear it straight from Ruth: Justice Ginsburg In Her Own Words
Photo: MANDEL NGAN / Staff

Here’s what’s happening in the world of television for Monday, March 1. All times are Eastern.

Top pick

Ruth: Justice Ginsburg In Her Own Words (Starz, 9 p.m., premiere): It’s been a little over five months since the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (though it may feel a lot longer—pandemic time just ain’t like regular time). Ruth isn’t the first documentary on this lauded jurist, and it certainly won’t be the last, but it looks like a pretty great one:

Look for Roxana Hadadi’s review later today.

Regular coverage

The Bachelor (ABC, 8 p.m.)
Snowpiercer (TNT, 9 p.m.)

Wild cards

Debris (NBC, 10:01 p.m., series premiere): NBC scratches its sci-fi series itch with this new drama from Fringe’s J.H. Wyman, which centers on two agents—one Brit, one American—working to investigate and combat mysterious deaths caused by alien shrapnel. Look for Saloni Gajjar’s drop-in recap of the premiere.

Cat Hospital (Acorn, 3:01 a.m., U.S. premiere): Our good deed of the day is to inform those of you who will be glad to know this information (quite a few of you, we suspect) that Acorn is now streaming a six-episode 2019 “observational series” about “the cute, cuddly and dramatic daily life at Ireland’s first veterinary hospital catering exclusively to cats.”

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