Hell yes, Luke Cage is here to kick some ass

Hell yes, Luke Cage is here to kick some ass

Here’s what’s happening in the world of television for Friday, June 22 and Saturday, June 23. All times are Eastern.

Top picks

Marvel’s Luke Cage (Netflix, Friday): Sure, the back half of season one may have fallen apart in grandly absurd fashion (cue Diamondback murdering a cop and yelling, “I’m Luke Cage!”), but there was enough good to suggest the show just needed to get its shit together. According to Danette Chavez, it did this time, delivering a season that’s not only “strong in places and compelling throughout,” but actually “almost justified the overlong season,” which would be a real step forward for these Marvel Netflix shows. (Say what you will about The Defenders, at least it was only eight episodes.) Ali Barthwell will be posting reviews of the new season throughout the day today and tomorrow.

The Great British Baking Show (PBS, Friday, 9 p.m.): Yes, take heart, all, because your favorite cooking show is back for the fifth season premiere. In a world this bleak and filled with awful humanitarian fiascos our own government caused, we could really use a moment of televised comfort food. Comforting people and comforting food, really. And best of all, original judges Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood are back! Truly, sometimes I start to think maybe this isn’t the darkest timeline, after all. Two new back-to-back episodes air tonight. Kate Kulzick has her timer set for the premiere.

Regular coverage

Ducktales (Disney, Saturday, 9:30 a.m.)

Wild card

Disney Channel Presents the 2018 Radio Disney Music Awards (Disney, Saturday, 8 p.m.): It’s important, every now and then, to give yourself a reality check. To turn the dial, as it were, and get a look at something you would normally never give the slightest fucking fuck about, just to keep yourself humble. With Disney’s Radio Disney Music Awards, you are granted the rare privilege of seeing a music awards show in which you will not recognize the names of 50 percent of the performers and nominees, and you will see the screaming kids in the audience and realize, “Oh, I know nothing about the youth of today.” Like an anthropologist descending into the heart of a foreign culture, take note of its eccentricities and societal norms; someday you may be required to say, “Oh yes, Bebe Rexha, I know her well.” Cling tight to the performances by Ludacris and Meghan Trainor, for they shall be your constants in this uncertain world.

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