Hell's Kitchen: The video game

Hell's Kitchen: The video game

In what is most likely the greatest cooking-related video game since Burgertime, Canadian-based developers Ludia have announced plans to create a Hell's Kitchen title, based on the popular reality show where Gordon Ramsay nurtures and inspires wannabe chefs by calling them worthless sacks of shit. Although the details are still being finalized, Variety reports:

Ramsay will pop up during the game to comment on the various culinary creations whipped up by players, no doubt serving up familiar insults such as "You donkey!" Game will also feature recipes that players can print out and try to cook in the real world.

Although it's still in the planning stages, we can only hope that somewhere out there clever programmers are already plotting a hack that will allow contestants to grill Ramsay's testicles.

And now, just because it's Friday:

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