Help Eugene Protest Himself

Eugene Mirman, everyone's favorite absurdist comedian of Russian birth, is releasing his very funny new album En Garde, Society! on Sub Pop tomorrow. In honor of this fact, Eugene is testing the theory that all publicity (even the loud, fake negative kind) is good publicity by staging protests of himself in a few cities.

Here's some more info, from Eugene's website.

And here's a sample of the protest materials

(More sample posters can be found


I love this idea, and not just because The Onion is sponsoring it (we are, I guess), and Eugene is my neighbor (Park Slope rules), but because any kind of promotion that doesn't include a poster-covered truck with a loudspeaker blocking the street, or condoms with the album's name on it (Lil' Kim, I'm looking at you) is fine by me.

The first protest is in New York (I'm heading out in a few minutes), but Eugene is looking to stage some more semi-planned discontent in Washington D.C., Boston, L.A., San Francisco, and Seattle, so go here to join the cause.

I'll let you know how it goes. If I don't get arrested.

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