Henry Cavill still has faith that he'll get to play Superman again

Henry Cavill still has faith that he'll get to play Superman again
Photo: Andreas Rentz

Ben Affleck couldn’t get away from the cape and cowl of the Dark Knight fast enough, but his Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice colleague Henry Cavill would still like to suit up as the Man Of Steel again someday. Last September, we heard rumors that Cavill was done playing Superman, indicating that another Justice League or Man Of Steel movie wasn’t going to happen any time soon, but later that same day Cavill posted an Instagram post teasing… something related to Superman. We didn’t understand it then and we don’t understand it now, but it was clear that Cavill still had a soft spot in his heart for ol’ Kal-El.

Now, Cavill has given a lengthy interview to Men’s Health, and while most of it is framed around the fact that Cavill is a fit dude who likes to talk about being fit, a good chunk is dedicated to his unshakeable faith that he will get to play Superman again someday. “The cape is in the closet,” he says at one point. “It’s still mine.” Cavill says there’s “a lot of real, true depths to the honesty of the character” that he hasn’t gotten a chance to explore yet on film, and he wants to do a better job to “reflect the comic books.” His only comment about when or if or how that might happen, though, is simply “You’ll see.” So maybe he knows more than we do, or maybe he’s just being optimistic, we don’t know.

One other interesting note is that Cavill is surprisingly willing to talk about how he feels about his three Superman movies, and while he does think Man Of Steel was a “great starting point” and that he wouldn’t “change anything” (Even when Clark’s dad dies for no reason?), he says Batman V Superman was “very much a Batman movie” that dealt with a “realm of darkness” that was “great for a Batman movie”—which is to say, it was not an especially good Superman movie. As for Justice League, he told Men’s Health that it just “didn’t work.” Maybe if there was some other cut of the movie it would be better, right? RIGHT?

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