Henry H. Owings: Chunklet

Henry H. Owings: Chunklet

Music fanzines are usually pretty lousy, because the bulk of them are done by people who don't know how accessible many musicians are. Therefore, not many go out of their way to actually get a hold of people for the interesting interviews. Fortunately, Chunklet's Henry H. Owings puts in the extra effort. His 11th issue features interviews with Polly Styrene of X-Ray Spex, Flying Saucer Attack, Ui, and the up-and-coming Thee Hydrogen Terrors. In addition, it features a good article on tracking down good eight-tracks by Malcom Rivera (ex-Gumball), a photo essay featuring Owings' roommate with quasi-famous people (which is good only because he looks like a good-natured dip while posing), and an expose on how firewalking is no big deal at all. There's some chaff in there, but not so much as to render it unreadable. Chunklet isn't earth-shaking, but it's fun, and it includes a Don Caballero 7" single.

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