Here are Fantastic Four’s The Thing and Age Of Ultron’s Vision, for your judgment

While there’s been a lot of discussion from the people behind the new Fantastic Four reboot about how dark and gritty their particular interpretation of “fantastic” will be, there hasn’t been much talk of what the guy who’s basically a talking rock will look like. Similarly, Avengers: Age Of Ultron has had lots of discussion regarding basically every aspect of the film, but what new character Vision would look like has been…actually, that’s been exhaustively debated, too. Now you can get a closer look at both of these characters, finally permitting you to make the snap judgments that keep the internet running.

First up, here’s a look at The Thing, provided by Empire for your fickle evaluation. Is he properly rocky-looking? Does it seem like he would be able to punch things sufficiently without damaging that igneous exterior? (Actually, it’s not clear the extent to which the film is messing with their origin stories, yet, so maybe he’s not igneous. Perhaps it’s the material from which circus peanuts are made?) Director Josh Trank and actor Jamie Bell await your thumbs-up or thumbs-down verdict.

Next up, we have Entertainment Weekly’s picture of Vision, Paul Bettany’s character from the upcoming Avengers: Age Of Ultron. He’s a little small in the above picture, so let’s get a better image, from one of EW’s four alternate covers:

He definitely appears to have eyes, so the name “Vision” isn’t an ironic sobriquet. Actually, his costume seems directly inspired by his appearance in the comics, although the colors are a bit muted, in keeping with trying to not make it look exceedingly stupid. The character does seem to go to the same tailor as the latest iteration of Superman. Of course, both The Thing and Vision will soon be appearing on the big screen, where you can more efficiently nitpick these things via out-loud criticism, and then relax, knowing everyone else in the theater appreciates your loudly articulated thoughts.

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