Here are New York City’s most popular dog names, mapped out

The New York City Department of Health has released its list of the most popular dog names of 2015, with last year’s winners, Max and Bella, holding on to their title spots. (Bella has been the most popular name for female dogs since 2008.)

The survey also broke down the data several other ways. They looked at dog names by category like “fruits,” “vegetables/herbs/spices,” and “flowers.” (It may interest you that 36 New York dogs are named Coconut, making it the second most popular fruit-themed name, though a fair margin behind the winner, Olive. There are 145 canine Olives in New York.) It also looks at the most popular names by breed. Winston is the most popular name for male English bulldogs, while female mixed-breed dogs are most likely to be called Lila. Male border collies are most likely to be named Bandit, while their female counterparts are most often named Izzy. But really, you shouldn’t own border collies in the city; they tend to get bored and will try to herd cyclists and/or other people’s children.

The Department of Health also broke down the popularity of dog names by borough and neighborhood. It turns out that most of the same names pop up again and again across the city, but there are a few interesting regional variations. Rocky is an extremely popular name in the outer boroughs, but it barely shows up in Manhattan. There is a band of Lunas that stretches from Upper Manhattan into the South Bronx, and Gizmo and Oreo are weirdly popular at the city’s edges, in the North Bronx, in easternmost Queens, and on the southern tip of Staten Island.

[Via Laughing Squid]

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