Here are some fake Simpsons movies posters with real-world casting choices

The cinematic world within The Simpsons is expansive, skewering all genres from generic action thrillers to shoddy slapstick comedies to superhero pix to ill-fated musical adaptations. Old Red Jalopy created some interpretations of the films within the world of Springfield with spot-on real-world casting choices for MTV News. The collaboration yields a McBain film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Al Pacino, Clint Eastwood in McGarnagle, and Troy McLure vehicles The Came To Burgle Carnegie Hall—written and directed by Woody Allen—and The Contrabulous Fabtraption Of Professor Horatio Hufnagel with Jerry Lewis. The 10 posters from eight different episodes cover all genres, from little-seen foreign releases like Kosovo Autumn to the “classic mirth-making” of Frank Capra’s The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t But Then Was. These would go perfect with one of the 29 winning designs in the Threadless Simpsons t-shirt design contest.

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