Here is a bad internet comment for the ages

The state of internet discourse in this, the year 2017, is exceptionally good. You can tell that it’s exceptionally good by scrolling down to any YouTube comments section, browsing Twitter for more than five minutes at a time, or, for the truly dangerous, delving into hyper-specific subreddits.

As a sign of exactly how intelligible internet discussions are, consider this comment left below a New York Times article, screenshot by Twitter user “bergmanj.”

“ChristineMcM,” apparently sharing her thoughts regarding President Trump’s effects on the GOP, seems to be making a fairly roundabout statement, beginning with worries over the health of the Democratic Party and ending with intimations of going “down to the cave” and being “trapped in my chair.”

While ChristineMcM later confirmed that her message was the result of a voice-to-text input gone awry (“I was composing a message using the autospeak, and a friend arrived early to my house. I had no idea all that drivel was being recorded—there are even errors in the drivel!”) the more entertaining aspect of all of this is the response left by other commenters who, accustomed to the internet, aren’t sure whether to take her newfound Modernist style at face value. (Also, is “E Hudson” the Ernie Hudson? Let’s hope so.)

Even following ChristineMcM’s assurances that her paragraph was “a mistake I’ll need to report to the NYT,” it’s striking how much clearer her political commentary is than what else we find on the internet. If she uploads an anime avatar, slaps an “_ebooks” on the end of a Twitter name, or signs up to Yahoo! Answers, perhaps ChristineMcM may find a like-minded community prepared to accept—and celebrate—all future voice to text fuck-ups.

[via New York]

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