Here’s a baby dressed as all your favorite pop culture characters

There are plenty of reasons to have a baby: To ensure the future of the human race, to pass along your genes/values, or simply to redo your own childhood. But by far the most important reason is so you can dress it up in adorable pop culture-themed outfits. Los Angeles photographer Laura Izumikawa is really running with that idea. Her Instagram is currently dedicated to photos of her adorable daughter, Joey, dressed as everyone from Princess Leia to Garth Algar:

Izumikawa has been taking funny photos of Joey pretty much since she was born, but the pop culture angle seems to have kicked off with this Sia-inspired look:

From there the series has grown to encompass all sorts of different pop culture aesthetics:

Izumikawa takes most of the photos during Joey’s naptimes and she also posts behind-the-scenes videos that demonstrate how she creates each look.

Joey is not only a pitch-perfect Slash, but apparently she’s also a genuine Guns N’ Roses fan, too:

You can find even more looks over on Izumikawa’s Instagram.

[via Laughing Squid]

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