Here’s a compilation of top moments from this year’s Best Director nominees

While there is ample ammo for people who decry the Academy Awards for snubbing certain films and filmmakers this year, it’s still hard to argue against those who were included in the Best Director category. While Ava DuVernay and others were unfairly shut out, the five nominees that actually got the nod have proven themselves quite adept at their craft and perhaps sit at the height of their abilities with the respective films for which they were nominated. Wes Anderson, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Richard Linklater, Bennett Miller, and Morten Tyldum delivered films that showcased their talents in ways their previous works never did. Whether it’s by working on one narrative for 12 years or attempting a film that appears to be one contiguous shot, these directors took bold chances and were able to elicit strong performances from their actors.

Jacob T. Swinney has assembled a compilation of the films for which these directors are nominated that showcases what made their efforts so special. It’s a well-edited piece that doesn’t spoil any of the films but is still able to bring across each movie’s emotional center.

The Oscars 2015: Best Director Nominees from Jacob T. Swinney on Vimeo.

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