Here’s a damn fine cherry pie recipe for your Twin Peaks premiere party

As enticing as any of its core mysteries, the cuisine of Twin Peaks consisted of three things: cherry pie, jelly donuts, and black coffee. Each is likely to be represented at countless lodges—be they Black or White—this weekend, as fans gather to watch the first episodes of the show’s 25-years-in-the-making third season. And if you’re having trouble settling on the right pie recipe, The New York Times has you covered.

Before arriving at that recipe, however, writer Sara Bonisteel outlines the history of the show’s signature pie, citing that the slice Dale Cooper first devours in episode two was made by Garnet Mae Cross, an employee at the restaurant that doubled as the Double R Diner on the show. Cross’ 2002 obituary noted that the popularity of the show (and its ability to make you pine for dessert) resulted in her baking “50 pies a day.”

The recipe for Cross’ pie remains a mystery as impenetrable as Josie Packard’s fate, as does the one for the pie that replaced it once the diner was rebranded as Twede’s in 1997. For her recipe, Bonisteel combines what she learned about those previous pies with an approach favored by Brooklyn bakery Butter & Scotch. The result is what she calls “a cherry pie in HD.”

Catch up on the show’s voluminous ensemble here, or take a peek at our guide to the five episodes you’ll need to watch to be prepared for this Sunday.

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