Here’s a quick, clean suggestion generator for the improv nerds out there

“Okay, everybody, we’re happy to be here tonight, hope you’re feeling great. We’re going to get right to the Great Job, Internet in a moment, but first, can I get a suggestion of the most annoying part of an improv show? (From the audience: “Sex!”) Anyone? Come on, someone must have one. The most awkward, irritating part? (“Sex with your mom!”) Did I hear ‘Asking for a suggestion?’ I’m almost certain that I heard ‘Asking for a suggestion.’ I’m gonna go with ‘Asking for a suggestion.’”

Thanks to creators Gil Browdy and Vinny Francois of Montreal Improv, there’s now a way to avoid the preceding embarrassment. Their new site, Can I Get A…, allows improvisers to bring up a new suggestion with a simple push of a button, saving the hundreds of potential steps it would take to get to Wikipedia and hit the random entry button. With a simple click, the site can give the user a scene-inspiring word, location, or relationship. (“Prince and stable tender,” for example, or “future self and you.”) Francois notes that the relationship button is also a good way to generate occupations, a sobering reminder that for so many of us in this modern hell of a world, our jobs are our relationships.

While the creators intend the site primarily for improv rehearsals and practices, where multiple suggestions are often required of a relatively small group, there’s no reason it can’t be used to free performers completely from the chains of supplicating themselves before the audience in search of a simple word. No longer will desperate improv hosts have to mug for a crowd of dead-eyed audience members, frantically imploring one of them, any of them, to say anything louder than a dismissive mumble, until finally accepting “Michael Jackson dildo butt” with a feeling of bitter resignation in their heart. Now, they can just look down at their phone and push a button, finally, blessedly, taking the hateful specter of human interaction away from one of the last artforms still haunted by its malingering touch.

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