Here’s a short video about the (fictional) life of J.J. Abrams’ human lens flare

You’re probably not aware of this, but bright light shined at a camera lens can sometimes produce a strange visual effect known, in technical circles, as a “flare.” While this is usually an unintended side effect of poorly aimed lighting, a few maverick photographers and directors (like, to pick a name at random, Star Trek and new Star Wars director J.J. Abrams) actually employ the effect intentionally in their films and pictures. It’s usually used so subtly, though, that it’s unlikely the layman ever notices, or comments upon, this “lens flare” effect.

Comedy short creator Luke Knezevic is clearly no layman, though, having created a fun little video about an actor who works as a living lens flare. Besides having a name that sounds like a Harry Potter spell, Lorenzo Flarius apparently works on so many of Abrams’ movies, dipping his giant glowing flashlight head in and out of frame as necessary, because the famous director feels guilty about once hitting him with his car.

The video raises several interesting questions. Is it exploitative to employ an actor simply for their physical differences? How often do the personal relationships and obligations of creators impact, and perhaps lessen, their eventual output? Is is possible that the whole thing is just an excuse for a lot of lightbulb puns and a chance to see a man weepingly duct tape a flashlight to his head? Yes. The answer to that last question, is “Yes.”

STAR TREK: The Human Lens Flare from Luke Knezevic on Vimeo.

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