Here’s a video of The Legend Of Zelda’s Link as a 3-D chalk drawing

Here’s a video of The Legend Of Zelda’s Link as a 3-D chalk drawing

The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is the most recent entry in the long-running Zelda series, and it was released for the Nintendo 3DS, a system known for its 3-D visual effects. The game gives Link the ability to transform into a wall-mounted painting, allowing him to shift between moving in a three-dimensional space and a two-dimensional space at will. Enter Chris Carlson, an artist who specializes in creating pictures that appear to be three-dimensional, but aren’t. Because there weren’t enough layers to this thing already, Carlson has made a stop-motion video in which Link, rendered in chalk on a two-dimensional backdrop, shifts between his 3-D and 2-D forms before wandering into our fully three-dimensional world to break some pots, as is his wont. Watch the video below and contemplate the advantages and disadvantages to being limited to living in a three-dimensional world. Or just watch it.

[via BoingBoing]

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