Here’s an appreciation of Edgar Wright’s visual comedy chops

Edgar Wright makes funny movies. But what sets him apart from other comedic directors is that he gives the medium and frame as much importance as the actors and dialogue in telling a joke. At least, that’s what Tony Zhou argues in the latest installment in his Vimeo series Every Frame A Painting.

More than just a highlight reel of Wright’s work, Zhou analyzes missed opportunities in the modern crop of American film comedies from The Hangover to This Is The End, going so far as to call their style “not movies,” but rather, “lightly edited improv.” He then contrasts this with the visual flair of American TV series like Louie and Arrested Development as well as the artful comedic direction of Monty Python and Steven Spielberg.

Zhou’s video won’t take the sting out of the news that Edgar Wright has parted ways with Marvel’s upcoming Ant-Man film, since the director’s refreshing visual verve seemed to slot nicely with the studio’s comedy-friendly approach to the superhero genre, but it does illustrate why the Internet outrage over his ouster has been so pronounced. Wright’s got style. Good thing he’s not going anywhere.

Edgar Wright – How to Do Visual Comedy from Tony Zhou on Vimeo.

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