Here’s an interview with the designers of the fake video games in Her

If profane alien children and overly competitive motherhood are your thing, then check out this interview with the designers behind the fake video games from Spike Jonze’s Her. In it, David OReilly and Kevin Dart (who also directed the recent, excellent Powerpuff Girls special) chat at length about their design process, including a particularly head melting answer from OReilly about the projection system used for “Alien Child,” and the fact that Spike Jonze was used as a reference for the Mom in “Perfect Mom.”  Also of interest are the numerous pieces of concept art from the games, especially Jonze’s own scribbled vision of the Alien Child, and how closely the concept of “Perfect Mom” resembles the final product.

While artificially intelligent operating systems, functional Los Angeles public transit, and fashionable high waisted pants were probably the most talked about features of Her’s future, the games (and their design) are fascinating in their own right—especially as a means of world development via the word "fuckface."

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