Here’s how to make marshmallow treats shaped like the poop emoji

Just in time for Easter, the time of year when 2.4 billion Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, New York food blogger and photographer Matthew Cetta has revealed the recipe for Poop Peeps, i.e., homemade marshmallow treats designed to look like the poop emoji, complete with googly eyes and ingratiating smiles. At last, those left unsatisfied by Peeps shaped like bunnies and chicks have another option open to them, one that acknowledges the importance of the emoji in modern life. And nothing says “he is risen” quite like symbolic coprophagy. Over at his blog, Nomageddon, Cetta provides step-by-step instructions (laden with poop puns, for example: “Takin’ the Browns to the Super Bowl”) as well as numerous, artfully composed photographs of the process and the finished product. “All you need,” Cetta insists, “is sugar, gelatin, and food dye.”

Cetta’s process starts with dying some ordinary granulated sugar brown using food coloring and a Ziploc bag. Given the nature of the project, it is nearly impossible to avoid reading double entendres into such directions as: “Just make sure you break up the clumps.” Cetta chooses to flavor his poop-colored sugar with cocoa powder. Then it’s time to make the marshmallows themselves, a process that involves a mixer, some gelatin and vanilla, a candy thermometer, and a piping bag. “It’s surprisingly easy,” Cetta promises, though novices will have to make that determination for themselves. At last, the blogger is “ready to pipe some poop,” carefully squirting out little turd-shaped piles of marshmallow goo and then covering them with the dyed sugar “while they are still tacky.” Voila! Edible poop emoji. Just the thing to serve at that next big Salo/Pink Flamingos double feature viewing party.

[via Laughing Squid]

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