Here’s Taylor Swift’s isolated vocal track from last night’s VMAs

Here’s Taylor Swift’s isolated vocal track from last night’s VMAs

Haters, as Taylor Swift knows, are always going to hate, hate, hate, but that doesn’t mean they can’t also sometimes be crafty. Take Deadspin, for instance. The sports and lifestyle site grabbed Swift’s dance-heavy performance from last night’s VMAs and isolated the audio, thus blowing the lid off the whole “stars sing every word of their songs live” racket. Granted, that fallacy has been blown apart numerous times by acts like Ashlee Simpson and Britney Spears, but it’s still always interesting to hear the difference between a live audio track and the actual studio recording of “Shake It Off,” Swift’s new single. We don’t really begrudge a physically moving, dancing, and shaking Swift for not singing every word live at last night’s VMAs, but we’re glad Deadspin did this all the same.

The entire stream, including a fun overlaid spectrum analysis, is available over on Deadspin’s site.

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