Here’s the entirety of Stranger Things in three vulgar, Barb-ignoring minutes

Here’s the entirety of Stranger Things in three vulgar, Barb-ignoring minutes

Here’s one for anyone whose friends and/or favorite pop culture site won’t stop telling them how amazing Stranger Things is. Because sure, who doesn’t love Spielberg-infused nostalgia, killer ’80s soundtracks, and pre-teen waifs who can flip small consumer vehicles with their minds? But, on the other hand, honestly, who’s got the time?

Luckily, online comedy troupe Superfruit is here to recap the entire season in a little more than three minutes—a pretty amazing achievement, given that they, being human beings with eyes and ears, are forced to linger for a while over the show’s gorgeous title sequence. And while we could probably skip some of the short’s more puerile, dick-based humor, Superfruit wins back points with its treatment of fan favorite Barb, and the universe’s cruel indifference to her fate. (Also, Mitch Grassi makes a surprisingly good Winona Ryder stand-in. Who knew?)

[via Laughing Squid]

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