Here’s the first shot of Wonder Woman from her own damn movie, finally

With a new director in tow, and no longer forced to pay third wheel to all the Batmen and Supermans and their inevitable, justice-dawning versusing, Wonder Woman’s own superhero movie has finally started in on principal photography. To celebrate the occasion, Amazonian actress Gal Gadot has tweeted out the first picture of herself in character on the movie’s set, showing a side of Wonder Woman that’s far less martial than what we’ve previously glimpsed in the background of trailers mostly focused on Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill glaring manfully at each other.

Apparently set in London, the shot shows a cloak-wrapped Gadot staring enigmatically into the camera, the kind of facial expression that says, “It’s 2015, and we’re just now getting a female-led superhero franchise.” (The contrast between Gadot’s current take on the Themysciran princess and the cinder-wreathed, sword-wielding look she sported in the Batman V. Superman promotional materials suggests that Monster director Patty Jenkins’ “more meditative” approach to the film is apparently taking hold.)

Wonder Woman will also star Chris Pine and Robin Wright, and is expected to finally arrive in theaters in the summer of 2017.

[via The Wrap]

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