Here’s the wampa scene from Empire Strikes Back recreated with a pug

Here’s the wampa scene from Empire Strikes Back recreated with a pug

As a general rule of thumb, we avoid videos involving puppies here at Great Job, Internet so as not to get lost in the glut of the gajillions of other cute-animal-related videos that circulate the Internet on an hourly basis. However, this rule has occasionally been broken if the video seemed worthwhile, and the below video is just such a case. It’s a recreation of the wampa scene from The Empire Strikes Back featuring the film’s original audio but using action figures instead of actors, and a pug (Chubbs the Pug, to be precise) in a wampa costume rather than an actual wampa. It’s enough to melt even the coldest nerd hearts, though this recreation has a surprising twist ending that differs from the original film—but we’ve already learned when spoilers aren’t appropriate, so we’ll just leave this right here. [via The Aggregate]

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