Here's a heartwarming webcomic to go with a Roger Ebert quote from his autobiography

Roger Ebert was a fount of quotable lines about film, and when he transitioned into being a blogger on his website, about many other topics outside his film reviews. His autobiography Life Itself is one of the best memoirs in recent memory, and his death in April triggered an outpouring of appreciation from the film community and beyond. Web comic Zen Pencils animates notable quotations from inspirational sources, and this week cartoonist Gavin Aung Than took a line from Ebert’s autobiography and drew a heartwarming story of an avid moviegoer who frequents a struggling independent theatre over the course of his life (never mind that it’s showing some big movies in first-run, it looks quaint and lovely). It’s a simple story that will leave readers a bit misty, and an impressive extrapolation from Ebert’s thoughts about political beliefs and kindness.

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